On Feb. 16, police arrested the meteorologist for a Paducah, Kentucky, television station on suspicion of growing marijuana at her Mayfield residence. Her husband was also taken into custody.
The 32-year-old weather forecaster, who works for WPSD-TV, and her 35-year-old husband were charged with the felony crime of cultivating five or more marijuana plants and the misdemeanor crimes of possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. They also face firearms charges, according to the Kentucky State Police.
Authorities said they received an anonymous tip about the alleged indoor growing operation and sent troopers to investigate. When searching the suspects’ home, troopers said they found five marijuana plants, two pistols, two silencers, six long guns, a tactical vest, eight boxes of ammunition and drug paraphernalia used to cultivate marijuana plants. They also said that two additional marijuana plants were found in a trash receptacle behind the house. After their arrest, both suspects were placed in the Graves County Jail for processing and then released.
Kentucky residents arrested on drug charges, including marijuana possession and cultivation, could face serious consequences if convicted. Drug defendants could also face social stigma that leads to the loss of their job. However, everyone has the right to retain a criminal defense attorney to protect their best interests in court. An attorney could ensure a client’s rights are protected during the entire legal process, including during police questioning. Legal counsel could also carefully review the evidence for any details that could be used in the defendant’s favor, such as an illegal search, which could lead to a dismissal of charges.
Source: WNCN, “TV Meteorologist and Husband Nabbed After Guns and Marijuana Found, Officials Say,” Feb. 17, 2016